How do we help you?


Psicoterapia infanto-juvenil chico

Psychiatry, specialisation in child and adolescent psychiatry

Psychiatry is a medical specialty that aims to study and treat mental disorders. The work includes a diagnostic assessment of mental disorders, in both their biological and psychological aspects.

The patient’s personality and psychosocial functioning are assessed to define the need for treatment. A psychiatrist may also have training as a psychotherapist.


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+34 660 292 424

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Do you want an appointment?

+34 660 292 424

You can call us or write an email. We'll be happy to hear from you!

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Psicoterapia infanto-juvenil sesión

What do we do in Lapsi

Child and adolescent psychiatry

Child and adolescent psychiatry consultation at Centre LAPSI offers a high-quality diagnostic and therapeutic service in young people’s Mental Health.
The consultation begins with a first interview with the family, after which the patient or parents are individually scheduled to perform diagnostic assessments. Sometimes parents and teachers are asked to provide additional documentation in the form of questionnaires with the aim of extending the information.

The diagnostic process is closed by means of a final interview with the patient and the parents, at which point the diagnostic hypotheses and therapeutic guidelines are offered.

Our therapeutic activity is usually multimodal, integrating psychoeducational approaches, family counselling, psychotherapy and, in specific cases, psychopharmacological treatment according to diagnosis.

Psicoterapia infanto-juvenil sesión

Most frequent inquiries

  • Depression and mood disorders

  • Anxiety and fears

  • Behavioural disorders: oppositional and defiant behaviour

  • Attention deficit disorder

  • Hyperactivity

  • Communication and relationship disorders

  • Psychosomatic disorders

  • Eating disorders

  • Personality disorders

  • Autistic spectrum disorders

Open consultation

An open space where you can ask any questions related to the baby’s upbringing or with your expectations as a mother or father.