How can we help?

Adolescent psychotherapy and young adults

Psicoterapia adolescentes chico

Adolescent psychotherapy and young adults

The LAPSI Centre offers psychotherapy services to adolescents and young adults. The goal of the psychotherapy is to eliminate or alleviate mental health disorders and related suffering, support
growth and psychological development, and increase the ability of a young person to solve his/her own problems. The aim is to help adolescents to overcome obstacles to the development of their personality.

Good development is manifested when a young person shows a greater ability to regulate her emotions, to control her behaviour better, and to develop satisfactory friendship and romantic relationships. She also improves study and work skills, as well as the ability to pursue other goals in life. In addition, she will be better able to take responsibility for her own actions, thoughts and feelings.

During psychotherapy, an adolescent faces her discomfort, difficulties and personal conflicts. The therapist’s job is to try to understand the young person and build a trusting relationship with her, so that she can freely express her thoughts, imagination, and feelings. It is essential that all kinds of emotions that arise in the interaction with the therapist are expressed and understood.


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+34 660 292 424

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Do you want an appointment?

+34 660 292 424

You can call us or write an email. We'll be happy to hear from you!

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In therapy, the young person is helped to find and define goals that are important and meaningful to her. Attention focuses on dealing with the young person’s difficult life issues. For example, teens and young adults may have the following concerns:

Psicoterapia adolescentes depresión

Issues related to independence and identity.

Self-esteem and underestimation of one’s abilities.

Depression and anxiety.

Elaboration and management of emotions.

Bullying and other difficult experiences in school.

Loneliness and difficulties with friendships

Reflections on one’s place in life and the future

Processing one’s values ​​and life choices

Stress in educational tasks or problems in study planning

Psicoterapia adolescentes tristeza
Psicoterapia adolescentes sexualidad

Interpersonal problems.


Postpartum depression.

Parenting skills when a baby is born.

Substance abuse or gambling addiction, whether they are one’s own or those of a loved one.

Mental health problems of his/her own or those of a loved one.

Sexual abuse.

Serious illness or death of a loved one.

Traumatic experiences.

Psicoterapia adolescentes abusos
Psicoterapia adolescentes abusos

Mental health problems of his/her own or those of a loved one.

Sexual abuse.

Serious illness or death of a loved one.

Traumatic experiences.

Open Consultation

An open space where you can ask any questions related to your personal concerns, difficulties, symptoms, with the upbringing of your children or your expectations as a mother or father.